Miracle says Nina isn't a game, can't have same bond with any other person [Day 47 recap] pulse.ng Mar 17, 201.  Miracle tells Tobi and Teddy A that his relationship with Nina isn't a game, Tobi says he can kiss Bambam and Teddy won't do anything about it: [Day 47 recap]. Nina and Miracle Have you been following the new season of Big Brother Naija? Here are some important things you probably missed on day 47.
Check out a recap of day 47, including social media reactions Bambam wins Samvita cooking task The time came to settle the debate and find out who is the best and worst cook in the House with the Samvita Cooking Task. Bambam emerged victorious after she prepared a perfectly textured and presented Samvita meal. Ex-Big Brother Naija Housemate Miyonse was the guest judge for this Task, making him the first celebrity guest in the House this season. Bambam wins this week's Arena Games After winning the Samvita cooking task, Bambam secured another win during the Arena Games. Lolu and Nina landed in the seven-minute range, while Cee-C and Anto remained in the five-minute bracket. Rico and Alex stayed in the four-minute window, which Miracle and Tobi finished within a three-minute timeframe. When Bambam was announced as the ultimate winner, she was beaming of pride and Housemates seemed to be genuinely thrilled at her victory. In addition to a Super Reward to be unveiled today, Biggie promised celebratory drinks to the House. The housemates would have to wait until Sunday to find out how they fared with their wager While the housemates waited to hear Biggies verdict on their Wager, he told them that they would have to wait until Sunday to find out if they lost or won the Wager. Housemates grumbled and exited the Arena, leaving whiffs of disappointment on their trail. Miracle says Nina isn't a game for him During a conversation with Teddy A and Miracle, Tobi said he feels that some housemates, especially the ladies, need to be evicted so that the house can be lively. Teddy teases him and asks if he is this way because his relationship with Cee-C isn't working out well. Tobi responds telling Teddy that he can kiss Bambam and nothing would happen. Tobi further asks Teddy A and Miracle what they would do if they evict their women, Bambam and Nina, respectively. Miracle tells him that Nina isn't a game for him, and that if she is evicted, he would simply remain neutral. He adds that he can't have the bond he has with her with any other housemat.
Anto, Cee-C, Lolu, Bambam, Tobi, Alex, Teddy A and Miracle are up for possible eviction.
Source: Pulse.ng


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