#BBNAIJA Viewer's Reacts To Nina Boyfriend

Viewers react to Nina calling Collins 'the best boyfriend in the world' [Day 58 recap] pulse.ng Mar 28, 2018 : Nina tells Biggie that there she can't have a relationship with Miracle outside the house, says her boyfriend Collins is the best: Here's a recap of day 58. Miracle and Nina Have you been following the new season of Big Brother Naija? Here are some important things you probably missed on day 58. Check out a recap of day 58, including social media reactions: Nina says Collins is the best boyfriend in the world During her diary session, Nina told Biggie that she was proud of her fight with Cee-C as she finally gave her what she 'wanted.' She told Biggie that unlike Miracle, he boyfriend outside the house, Collins, allows her talk whenever she wants to. She then described him as the best boyfriend in the world. Anto breaks down in tears during diary session During her diary session, Anto broke down in tears. She told Biggie that she was angry at Lolu, whom she said had led her on. She said she held on from slapping him but would listen and let him know how she felt. Anto also asserted that Lolu had gotten in her way of winning the first time, but that she wouldn’t let it happen again. Since her return to the house, Anto has been cold towards Lolu, who she is angry kept his relationship outside the house a secret. WOULD TOU LIKE TO TELL BIG BROTHER HOW YOU FEEL? Anto#emo#4oCZ##s Diary Session. . . . . #doublewahala #bbnaija3 #bbnaija2018 #bbnaijaupdates #bbnaijafanpage #bbnaijadoublewahala #bigbrothernaija2018 #bigbrothernaijadoublewahala #bigbrothernigeria #thatgidigirl #ricoswavey #bambam #ceec #tobi #lolu #miracle #mito #bamteddy #anto #teddya #mina #alex #nina #koko #khloe A post shared by GidiGirl BBNaija 2018 Updates (@thatgidigirl) on Mar 27, 2018 at 10:35pm PDT A house without beds In another twist, Biggie informed Housemates that the bedrooms would remain bare and that no Housemates were allowed to sleep on the floor. Biggie trusted that the Housemates could work together to figure out ways to sleep together, before wishing them a good night and indulging them with some booze. Diary sessions During the Diary Session, Teddy A admitted that he wasn't sure how things would turn out with Bambam as he had something serious before coming to the house. Bambam seemed to share his view for she said that she didn’t have that confidence that outside the walls of the House they would work. Nina told Biggie that Miracle would be just a friend to her outside the house as she already has a boyfriend. Miracle seemed to be comfortable with Nina’s stand as he told Biggie that she was honest with him from the start. He also said that he has a love interest outside the house.Source:Pulse.ng


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