Congrat Nigeria they have finally made history fist Africa to country produce a super hero movie the Black Panther. The Black Panther is Nigeria let talk the movie started with a rescues MISSION Sambisa Nigeria, the lady general Okoye a Nigeria name the movie wakande nation though not a west Africa country, the cousin to king T’Chaka was named N’jobu but in Nigeria is Ujoku an Igbo name ( when king T’Chaka dead in captain America comic movie the conference was holding in Nigeria. Vibranio is one of wealth IN wakande has wish automatically Nigeria has countless resources , ( the news which reported the death of king N’Chaka analyzed wakande was a poor nation / country with impenetrable tropical forest remember Nigeria is rich but the citizen are poor ? the rescue MISSION in Sambisa which Black Panther took part was the rescue of the chibuk girls which is Nigeria don’t forget, ( one of the terrorist who held one of the hostage use an hausa language walahi we all know the meaning truthfully I will kill this hostage).
This are Nigeria casts names in the movie believe me and their roles they played.
   Sope Aluko cast name Shaman 
     Tuned Laleye cast name boarder tribeman third from the left

    David Opegbemi cast name jabari warrior

4.       Tari Omori junior cast name jabari drummeR

5.       Amechi Okocha cast name Bueze

Like the wakande we do not have technology but surely our wealth is beyond any country imagination we are the poorest country in the world but with rich resources. The movie talks about betrayer like N’jobu who sold the information about the vibranio to the hit man ( Klaue) 30 years back but like any other nation we have spy too. We saw a General lady call Okoye who was loyal to the throne (king) not the person same thing we have here the military to the presidency not Buhari until another ruler comes in the general will always be loyAL to the presidency. With my analysis is obvious IS all about BLack Nigeria making the first black Super Hero movie after captain America made in Africa (Nigeria) WE SHOULD be pride of ourselves big up Naija this will bring us to another story on till than remember when you DO movie in Nigeria involving us with our number be ready for a huge sells we need more collaboration of our Super Hero the black panther Nigerian scene and America scene. Weldon Marvel Studio.  
Ewaha Idinye


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